Let us help you start a new habit of reading God’s words to you

Looking for a plan to read through the Bible this year? Here are two to consider:

The 20 Day Challenge is more of an introduction to the Bible. It does not attempt to read every chapter of the Bible, but instead focuses on providing an overview of the Bible message.

It is divided into six 20-day segments and there are optional worksheets which give you something to look for as you are reading. You can download these below as pdfs.

Reading Plan: 20 Day Challenge Bookmarks

Worksheets: 20 Day Challenge Worksheets

The Bible Companion is a reading plan that has been around for over a hundred years and brings you through the Old Testament once, and the New Testament twice in a year. You can download this below as a pdf.

Bible Reading Companion

For more thoughts reading the Bible, visit some of our previous posts:

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