Jesus is recorded in the gospel message as asking over 300 questions, some of which are repeats due to overlapping reports from the different authors: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. In this blog, three questions have been selected with the aim...
I was asked the question—how can Jesus be in you? I took some time to think about that profound statement and then went to look at the book of Romans 5:8-11. “But God shows his love for us in that while...
I’m sure there are times in everyone’s life when they need encouragement to see the beauty in the world instead of the ugly. Most of us live with little exposure to the truly ugly things in life, but perhaps in some...
Sitting on the deck, listening to the crows making a racket as their fledglings are learning to fly and the adult woodpecker with its young at the fat ball encouraging them to eat and breathing in all of God’s creation in...
We have been writing a series of blog posts on coping with hospital stays, when life gets difficult and our faith. Our aim is not really to make the blog about us and how we are doing but rather on what...
I know that my garden will never be completely free of weeds. And every spring I will need to dig it up and pull out the Goutweed that has crept back in. It will be a never-ending battle. But it is...
Recently we had the privilege of attending online, the funeral of a dear brother. Funerals are a time of immeasurable grief for both family and friends and yet loaded with hope also as the deceased persons next waking moment will be...
Throughout the Bible there are many examples where God shows Himself to be faithful. Although sometimes it was not possible for the individuals to see God’s plan working, we can look back through those thousands of years that have gone by...
Of all the subjects in the Bible, I think that the resurrection of Jesus is the most important, because it touches on God’s character, the work of his son Jesus, the meaning of the sacrifice of Jesus, the topic itself (Jesus’...
It might be nice to think that we could all make our own individual rules and follow them and everything would work out just fine. But that is not the way we work. Societies where people make their own rules or...