We live in a world that has advanced in many domains such as medicine, science, knowledge, technology, communication and information to name a few. Today, everything is questioned and there is a pressure for more information in order to make a...
If you are going to have faith in God, you need to know who He is. How do you find out? Our universe tells us plenty about God. It speaks of order and obedience to laws, of attention to detail in...
Of all the subjects in the Bible, I think that the resurrection of Jesus is the most important, because it touches on God’s character, the work of his son Jesus, the meaning of the sacrifice of Jesus, the topic itself (Jesus’...
It might be nice to think that we could all make our own individual rules and follow them and everything would work out just fine. But that is not the way we work. Societies where people make their own rules or...
The beginning The Bible begins at the beginning when there was nothing but God. God spoke and sent forth His Spirit or power by which all things were created. They were not made on a mere whim, for He had a purpose in...
Perhaps you wonder how an ancient book, written by primitive people, can have anything helpful to say to you today. Perhaps you think it will take too long to read and you simply don’t have the time. Perhaps you think it looks...
As I drove through the snow to the hospital I was in awe of the snowflakes on the windscreen. Looking the same yet all different. My mind went to them being the most fragile of things but then my thoughts went...
As we roll into week 5 of being in hospital I thought I would take some time to blog about getting through hard times as a family. For context we are a family of 3 with no immediate family in the...
God’s Covenant with Noah In the course of time, man’s wickedness drove God to bring the judgement of the Flood upon the earth. The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked upon...
Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. 2 Peter 1:4 The need for promises in Eden...