The Bible claims to be God’s Word. When we consider the Old and New Testament manuscripts used to form the Bible, consisting of 66 books, there has been a great deal of rigour involved in copying of the texts and of...
Bible study really is like digging for treasure. Sometimes it is harder to find than other times, but there is almost always something that will feel like a sparkly, colourful jewel. Bible study is basically using the critical thinking skills of...
Although 2020, has been a memorable year for the unexpected uniqueness that has occurred. The aim of this blog post is to give hope not only for this festive period or the year ahead but a much bigger hope that was...
The Bible claims that God is the ultimate author. Although there were forty independent writers who wrote over a 1,600 year time span, God “inspired” the people He chose to write His word. This means there is one consistent message, not...
“Since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God…” 1 Peter 1:23 This is a powerful quote that appears here in the book of 1 Peter but what message...
It has probably never been easier to study our Bibles. We are living in a time when the Bible is accessible in so many ways: we can read or listen to it in any number of different translations, we can get a...
Does it seem that there are an increasing amount of disasters, crises and major issues in the world? Is it a case that the COVID-19 pandemic has magnified the problems of everyday life and perhaps we only perceive more crises? Perhaps...
Galilee in the Bible Jesus was born in Bethlehem and spent part of his youngest years in Egypt, possibly Alexandria. But his step-father Joseph and likely his mother Mary were from Nazareth, in the region of Galilee. This put them several...
If we ever think seriously about life in general — about world problems, and about what the future holds for us personally — two questions which often arise are: 1.Is permanent world peace possible? 2.What will happen to us in the...
The Lord Jesus Christ was well-aware of the future events regarding the earth. It was Jesus that spoke of the future destruction of the Jewish Temple almost 40 years before it occurred in A.D. 70 (Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21)....