What makes something right or wrong?


In the lunchroom at work this week we were talking about what makes something right or wrong and how folks have varying opinions on the topic. Sometimes these types of discussions can become quite heated as they are personal views, but on this occasion we remained in agreement and generally they arise from policy changes in our area of work!

Our views are generally based on human ideas and popular opinion and majority views come from individuals who have the ability to make their views heard. We see this in the news and on social media daily. 

Different cultures have developed over time and so have ideas about right and wrong. Sometimes it is hard for us to grasp the ideas of other cultures as we have been brought up differently and our particular society or group of friends and family would not share the same views.

Opinions also change over time in particular cultures, as the people driving the ideas change and opinions change as we grow and learn. What we were told was correct by our parents when we were younger may not be our view as we learn and grow.

These thoughts got me thinking. Everyone in the conversation was giving their view of what makes something right or wrong and some folks were perplexed. I suggested that maybe the human race is not capable of finally deciding what is right or wrong and we need guidance? What does the Bible say? As I generally approach conversations from a biblical perspective most people are waiting for my ideas! 

What does the Bible tell us?

  • We require a source for guidance with more wisdom that we have:  “For the word of the LORD is right, And all His work is done in truth.” (Psalm 33:4) 
  • The Bible tells us that we are unable to decide how to live and questions our own judgement:  “O LORD, I know the way of man is not in himself; It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps.” (Jeremiah 10:23)
  • We are also given a warning when we trust in our own ideas: “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.”  (Proverbs 16:25 )

In previous posts we have looked at what the Bible has in store for us, how we can find words of hope and comfort, and how we can use God’s word to direct our lives. You can find these posts on this website. 

The Bible claims to be the word of God and as such is unchanging as God’s plan does not change. He has set out for mankind rules to obey for their guidance and protection in all ways that is morally, physically and spiritually true.   

What is paramount in these is a mutual love and appreciation for each other overriding all barriers of class, race and nationality. It means that we should treat each other as individuals and not as part of a group that we happen to think that others belong to.   

God has set out rules for us to obey in our relationships with each other and we break these rules at our own expense. In a world where we question what is right or wrong, we have the answer in the Bible which is freely available.  

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5

Article by Sair.

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