The theme continues from the last blog on 2 Peter 1:20, which reads: “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.” We discussed then that this verse was powerful, and that no prophecy found in...
The Bible contains a large amount of prophecy. This video will consider two Old Testament prophecies that are extremely important to us today: The Valley of Dry Bones, speaking of the restoration of the nation of Israel to its own Land...
So often we hear friends and co-workers pondering where this world is heading and how there is a need for change for the better but they have no idea how it will happen – their words not ours. Through reading the...
Jesus is found everywhere in the Bible – from the New Testament which tells about him, and the Old Testament which prophesies of him. The table below shows just how much there is in the Old Testament about him. He could...
I have been considering the Olivet Prophecy that Jesus spoke to his disciples in the final week of his life. If we recall from the previous post, Jesus wanted to re-direct the disciples’ attention from the magnificence and beauty of structures (the...
The Olivet Prophecy is perhaps the best known prophecy Jesus spoke. It is widely used regarding the return of Jesus to the earth, especially as a guide for identifying certain events that indicate the nearness of his return. The Prophecy will...
God, through His Word, the Bible, has provided much information surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ from the gospels of Matthew, Luke and the Old Testament prophets. Yet the scriptures are silent regarding Jesus’ early life, growing up in Nazareth of...
If you take the books of the Bible and categorize them, a large section of the Bible comes under the category of “The Prophets”. These were faithful men who had God’s words put in their mouths so that they would speak...
It is inspired by God. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” ...