The most important aspect of God’s Word is the promises that are contained within, promises that He makes to those who are prepared to trust Him. It is these promises that bring comfort, promises that feed off the weakest spark of saving faith...
The Almighty God of heaven and earth speaks to us through the Bible and prayer is the way in which we can speak to Him. It is an important part of a believer’s personal relationship with Him. To be able to...
Our heavenly Father wants us to develop a spiritual mind to replace our “fleshly-thinking” mind (Romans 8:5-8). This is doable through dedication to reading God’s Word, thinking about it regularly and acting upon it (Psalms 119:105; 2 Timothy 3:14-17). Jesus knew...
Webster’s Dictionary defines prayer as: “A solemn and humble approach to Divinity in word or thought usually involving beseeching, petition, confession, praise or thanksgiving.” Prayer, in some form, has been a part of the religious life of most cultures that have...
We have passed over the hills of Galilee so often with Jesus that now we are getting quite familiar with the land. We are now walking with a multitude which has gathered from Caopernaum and Tiberias, and perhaps, Magdala. Almost ten...
Prayer resonates throughout the Bible in both the Old and New Testaments. In the Gospels we read of men who commanded great armies, of people in high office in government, of mothers and fathers seeking the best for their children, of...