The Kingdom of God is spoken of through the entire Bible. The fact that the plan of God is an everlasting Kingdom to be established on the earth by the Lord Jesus Christ at his return to the earth is seen...
As a bible based community, we are aware of the importance of Israel today and through the ages. We appreciate from reading God’s word that He had a special relationship with Israel. The Bible is God’s history book, and the Jews...
In the Gospel of Luke we see tension growing between Jesus and the whole range of religious sects that were either the Jewish government or close to it: groups that were often enemies, coming together for the sole purpose of destroying...
The land promised in the Bible is a real and substantial part of this earth, a place for living men and women; and inheritance in it belongs to the future. It has no connection with the cloudy region sometimes referred to...
Perhaps you would have difficulty in expressing clearly any hope you may have concerning the future. You do not often think about it or talk about it to your friends. Yet definite information concerning the future can be obtained in the...
If you accept the religious beliefs held by nearly everyone until recent years, you would answer this question by saying, “It all depends; if we have done the right thing while we live, we shall go to heaven, of course; and...
I have been considering the Olivet Prophecy that Jesus spoke to his disciples in the final week of his life. If we recall from the previous post, Jesus wanted to re-direct the disciples’ attention from the magnificence and beauty of structures (the...
“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” How many times have you said or heard these words? You will find them in Matthew 6:10. They are part of the prayer which Jesus taught his disciples....
Although the Lord’s promise to David that his offspring would sit on his throne and have the kingdom established forever ultimately spoke of the future Messiah, the choice of David’s successor to the throne was an extremely important decision. Like the...
The Bible clearly speaks of Jerusalem as a city with a remarkable past, a tumultuous present and a glorious future. Jerusalem was the capital city of the great king David and his son Solomon, who reigned over God’s people, Israel in...