If you have read the Bible through, you may have noticed that it is not simply an historical narrative, but it is full of timeless wisdom on how to live well. Through the stories of real people and places, it provides...
Studying the Bible can be a very absorbing activity. It can be intellectually stimulating to discover connections and doctrinal truths that we hadn’t been aware of before. It can help to confirm our belief that it is indeed a wonderful book...
It has probably never been easier to study our Bibles. We are living in a time when the Bible is accessible in so many ways: we can read or listen to it in any number of different translations, we can get a...
The book of Revelation is a difficult book. It is also the last book of the entire Word of God and completes the message of God, through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. As I mentioned in an earlier post, many...
In the first post about “Understanding the Book of Revelation”, we considered the context of this last book of the Bible and asked some questions to aid our understanding. We determined that John, the writer of the Gospel of John and...
The book of Revelation is often viewed as the most difficult book of the Bible to understand. It is a challenging book, but a very important book as it was written to provide insight to believers about the things that would...
Inspiration means different things to different people. I may for example feel that it’s a process of being stimulated to do something or feel something and would say “I was inspired by … to create …” something in daily life. This...
A Bible commentary is a written systematic series of explanations and interpretations of Scripture. They are written by some of the most knowledgeable theologians and other experts. A Bible commentary follows the Bible verse order exactly and adds comments on the...
Concordances A concordance is simply an alphabetic list of all the different words that occur in a book and where they are found. For many years, Bible students have used Bible concordances. These large books are invaluable for serious study. With...