Jesus is found everywhere in the Bible – from the New Testament which tells about him, and the Old Testament which prophesies of him. The table below shows just how much there is in the Old Testament about him. He could...
The Bible was written over a long period of time and by many different writers and yet there is powerful consistency to it. There are parallel accounts (more than one account of the same events), and while they allow for slightly...
It is not too hard these days to find a snippet from the Bible floating around on Social Media. Often the words, carefully arranged and made attractive, can help to inspire, comfort or challenge us. And this is good; but the...
Today we will consider one tool that contains many components: Have a plan. In order to understand such a large book that covers so many topics, it is important to have a plan: a systematic approach to reading the Bible. This...
We believe that people possess the capabilities to comprehend and understand the message of the Bible through a careful and prayerful reading of God’s Word. Today, there are many tools and techniques available to assist you in making your Bible reading...
We are privileged today to be able to choose which version of the Bible we read and to be able to have more than one. There are dozens of Bible translations. The King James, the New King James, the English Standard...
First, it’s important realize that the Bible is not an ordinary book that reads smoothly from cover to cover. It’s actually a library, or collection, of books written by different authors in several languages over several thousand years. But it’s a...
There are so many uncertainties and causes for worry in the world today. We all make goals and plans for the future, but the future is uncertain and when we pause to consider this it can’t help but make us a...