All day long, the multitudes were with him. All day he was talking, or healing, or journeying. But we shall read very frequently that Jesus, before the crowds came, or after they had sought their homes in the evening, found solitude...
A short time later, a few days at most, and we see Jesus and his disciples going from Peter’s house by the seashore to the fine new synagogue which had been built for the Jews by a Roman centurion. Many are...
Here is a mental picture I like very much. I see in the foreground a fishing boat near to the shore. Its brown sail furled upon its yard makes a big sweeping line against a pale blue sky. A big circular...
In Nazareth there was a plain, white, rectangular building to which Jesus went every Sabbath day when he was staying there. For one moment we pause outside the building to notice that its stones are carefully cut and fitted so that...
In the time of Jesus, there were many pools and aqueducts in good repair, which, together with the wells and cisterns gave a plentiful supply of water. A very interesting chapter in the Old Testament relates how King Hezekiah made a...
Palestine, in the time of Jesus, was divided into five regions, two on the east, and three on the west of Jordan. Of these the most important to us are the three divisions between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan. We...
Three blasts of a trumpet break the silence of the twilight morning. Jerusalem stirs. From this courtyard, and that narrow street, figures emerge. There is a faint lowing of cattle and bleating of sheep; animals are being driven through the streets...
Now we are going to a wedding feast. It is the most important wedding feast in the world. For nearly two thousand years it has been remembered. To be sure, our history books do not mention it, but the greatest of...
We have earlier followed the life of John until his death in prison, however, we will not return to the time when John was still baptizing in the Jordan. At this time Jesus, leaving the desert, follows the valley of the...
John was the one to first announce the mission of Jesus, and he prepared the way by baptizing those who turned again to God, but there his work ended and that of Jesus began. And it was so great a work...